Vietnamese - English dictionary with more than 100K words, 2 million sentences and sentence translation.
Vdict Vietnamese - English dictionary helps us to look up the dictionary and search for a sample of questions quickly, exactly the English words and sentences we need to talk, write or translate documents.
Vdict Vietnamese - English dictionary with more than 2 million words and the ability to support quick word searching, the application will quickly provide accurate suggestions. If you have difficulty translating, the translation feature will be a useful tool for you to learn English.
With look history function, it will be easy to relearn looked up words in a few seconds.
Vietnamese - English dictionary with pronounced words, it will help learners to speak correctly.
- Look up the Vietnamese word meaning in English. Quick links of names, phrases.
- Look up the meaning from English to Vietnamese.
- Look up the meaning of English words - English.
- Translate sentences into many different languages.
- Pronunciation English vocabulary.
We wish you learn English well.