Having a private vehicle, of course you need a place to store it. Although the garage is not in the house plan, the house always includes a carport that is adjacent to the page in its design. In today's homes, carport is a substitute for a garage. Carport is a place to store vehicles in front of or beside the house. The carport is one with a page, but has a different function. Carport functions to park the vehicle, so in this case the use of a canopy is very necessary to protect the vehicle from heat and rain. Many canopy models at home are useful for being a modern carport roof. If you have a large area, you can make a carport separate from the main house. Although the carport tends to be open and is only equipped with a canopy roof, you can design it to be semi-closed to maximize the protection of your vehicle. In addition to private car vehicles, the carport also serves to park the vehicle from guests who arrive.
Tips on designing a carport are to pay attention to the size and area of land that will be used as a carport. Proportional land area is also determined by the number of cars owned. The ideal size of a carport is at least 3 x 5 meters. You need to make a roof pole and frame for carport design. Adjust the design and materials used because it will affect the strength and safety of the structure of your home carport. The highest standard car height is less than 1.9 meters, so leave at least 1.3 meters below the canopy. Choose a material that is not too transparent, but don't be too massive so it doesn't seem full on the home page. Align the color of the garage with the paint color of your house. You can also create your own colors according to your taste. Use rough material on the design of the carport floor so that it is not slippery when it rains or when washing vehicles. Ensure the strength of the floor material to hold the load that is owned. You can choose carport materials such as concrete rebates, paving blocks, brush corals and ceramics which are varied with concrete rebates. Pay attention to the slope of the carport floor and its drainage system to avoid the risk of waterlogging. The ideal floor slope is 1-2 degrees every 1 meter floor length.
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