This is a major upgrade. We've changed the whole UI infrastructure, made our screens more adaptive and even implemented a new libraries database with thousands of libraries. Cheers!
As developers we frequently need to implement features in our apps within certain deadlines. Rather than us re-inventing the wheel, it makes sense for us to utilize bundles of code written by other developers, otherwise known as libraries.
In this app we are listing some of the best android libraries in github. The app focuses on libraries that do work and that are usable in production. The app is designed to be:
1. Fast. We do all data loading asynchronously.
2. User Friendly. We implement easy navigation through both swipe tabs as well as Navigation Drawer. These list library categories. The fragment then list the specific libraries and their description in a horizontal recyclerview. When clicked we open the library contents in a full screen reader dialog.
3. Clean and Minimalistic and Tiny
4. App adapts to the used screen size and orientation.
5. Bookmark favorite libraries for easier access.
6. App auto-ads newer libraries everyday at startup(of the app).
7. Latest
Technical details
The app is written in Kotlin by Clement Ochieng.