Raw materials such as fish must be fresh and hygienic. The composition between salt and the size of the fish is also a separate measure to produce the taste of salted fish that is delicious and good quality. Choose fish that is still fresh because the uniformity of fish will determine the quality of the resulting product. Raw materials for making salted fish can be grouped into 2 parts of fish that are sized:
- Large, such as mackerel, cob, snapper, manyung, etc.
- Medium, like bloating, laying, three colors, etc.
- Small, like petek and anchovies
Large fish need to be weeded, which is cleansing from scales, gills, stomach contents and splitting along the back line towards the stomach (but not until it is split in half). The part that is still thick slashed on the side, if used a medium-sized fish, can be done splitting or without splitting, while the small fish are washed with clean water without the need to weed.
So from we made this application so that it is easy in the process of making salted fish, COME ON SOON DWONLOAD YES YES ... GOOD SUCCESS.