The Indian Easements Act, 1882
भारतीय सुखाचार अधिनियम 1882 हिन्दी - The Indian Easements Act 1882 in HINDI
Law of Easements : A Brief Overview of the Indian Easements Act, 1882
An easement is a right which the owner or occupier of certain land possesses, as such, for the beneficial enjoyment of that land, to do and continue to do something, or to prevent and continue to prevent something being done, in or upon, or in respect of certain other land not his own.
This is a Quick reference application for Indian Law & Acts. This app comes in handy for students pursuing Law, getting trained at a Police Academy and also lawyers in their professional workplace.
यह भारतीय सुखाचार अधिनियम की ऍप उन छात्रों के लिए बहुत उपयोगी है, जो UPSC, CSAT, RAS, IAS, PCS, Bank PO, IBPS, Bhartiya Samvidhan जैसी सरकारी प्रवेश परीक्षाओं की तैयारी कर रहे हैं
Really helpful for Law students doing LLB, Lawyers, Advocates and equally important for citizens of India in understanding Indian Law and be more comfortable with the legal terminology.
LLB, वकील, अधिवक्ता और भारतीय कानून को समझने वाले तथा भारत के नागरिकों के लिए समान रूप से महत्वपूर्ण law के छात्रों के लिए वास्तव में उपयोगी है।
Note: By the way, all caution has been taken in making this app, but there can be any kind of errors in this app !!
नोट: वैसे तो इस ऐप को बनाने में पूरी सावधानी बरती गई है, लेकिन इस ऐप में किसी भी प्रकार की त्रुटियां हो सकती हैं !!
Hope you like this app !!
आशा है आपको यह ऐप पसंद आएगा !!