Photo Captions - Cool Pictures

Touchzing Media Private Limited

Photo Captions - Cool Pictures

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Android 5.0+

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Последние изменения:

Minor bug fixes & improvements for better user experience. Get the latest update now and don't forget to rate and review us.


Photo Caption - Cool Pictures, an all-in-one app for all your image editing needs.
Create unique images by adding captions on photos. Adding text on pictures has never been more easier.
Select any of your favorite photos and add image text. Choose from a variety of different font options to add to your pictures.
Make amazing photo captions and share them with your friends. The app is great for creating uniqu typography images and cool pictures with different fonts.
Select any font and it to your favorite pictures and create cool images with typography.

Features of Photo Captions - Cool Pictures
- Huge gallery of unique fonts
- Add unlimited fonts to your favorites
- Create unique custom fonts.
- Edit Images and add your favorite texts
- Various tools for image editing
- Save your project to edit for later
- Add multiple texts in a single picture.
- Change text color and transparency
- Text with various texture options
- Add gradient color to your texts.
- Multiple formats for saving your edited images.

Create amazing photos with captions, make memes, posts and unique stories, with amazing captions and fonts.
Download Photo caption - Cool pictures now!

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