Picture notes can be zoomed in.
Notepad application that will allow you to take easy and fast notes.
Written Notes: You can easily take your notes, create the note title and your notes in color. You can edit and share your notes. You can set the note font color and font size.
Voice Notes: You can quickly take voice notes for emergencies without typing. You can create the note title and share your voice notes.
Drawing Notes: You can take notes by drawing practically and easily. You can edit and share your drawings.
Picture Notes: You can create notes by adding pictures from the gallery or your camera. You can organize your notes by creating a note title.
To-Do List: Allows you to keep track of the tasks you need to complete.
You can protect your notes by adding a password to your notebook.
You can back up your notes.
The app never syncs your notes with third party software. Your notes are only protected on your device.