Let Me Sleep


Let Me Sleep

  • 3.86
(682 votes)

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Android 2.0+

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Recent changes:

Localized to: German, Slovak, Italian, Russian


* For smartphone with power saving feature, please disable it for Let Me Sleep, it will prevent the app from being killed by the system.
Example for SAMSUNG smartphone: Go into Parameter -> Battery -> App power saving -> Detail -> Let Me Sleep -> Turned off *

Let Me Sleep will automatically set your phone in silent or vibrate mode every selected hour and set the volume back to normal at the scheduled hour.

This application can also be used during the day, you can for example put your phone in silent/vibrate mode while you are at work, at school or during a meeting.

You can add more than one period, this is convenient if you want a different period for the weekend.

Thanks to Milos Mirkovic (for the icon), to David Prieto (for the Spanish translation and mockup), to Rohan Saini (Cyanogenmod 9 testing), to Tomushi (Polish translation), to Dmitriy Trt (Russian translation), to Simon Gaugler (German translation), to Lukáš Šišmiš (Slovak translation) and to Andrea Castrovilli (Italian translation)

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Let Me Sleep

Let Me Sleep

  • 3.86