My plan - Quit Smoking

Kartin Studio

My plan - Quit Smoking

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You know can quit smoke with our help.


First of all, congratulate yourself. The simple fact that you are reading this article is a big step towards quitting smoking.

Many people don't quit smoking because they think it's too hard, and it's true that for most people, quitting smoking is not easy. After all, the nicotine in cigarettes is a highly addictive drug. But with the right approach, you can overcome the urge to smoke.

Where to start
Often, smokers start smoking because their friends or family members do. But they continue to smoke because they become addicted to nicotine, one of the chemicals in cigarettes and smokeless tobacco.

Nicotine is both a stimulant and a depressant. This means that it increases heart rate and makes people more alert. It then causes depression and fatigue. Depression and fatigue (and nicotine withdrawal) cause a person to need to smoke to recover. Some experts consider the nicotine in tobacco to be as addictive as cocaine or heroin.

But don't be discouraged; millions of people have quit smoking for good. The following tips can help you do it too:

Put it in writing. People who want to change are often more successful when they put their goals in writing. Write down all the reasons you want to quit smoking, such as the money you'll save or the stamina you'll gain for sports. Keep that list in a visible place. As you think of them, add more reasons.

Seek support. People are more likely to succeed when friends and family members help them. If you don't want to tell your family that you smoke, ask friends to help you quit. Consider talking to a counselor or another adult you trust. If you find it difficult to find supportive people (for example, if your friends smoke and are not interested in quitting), join a face-to-face or online support group.

Strategies that work
Set a quit date. Pick a date when you will quit smoking. Mark it on your calendar and tell your friends and family (if they know) that you will quit smoking on that day. Think of that day as a dividing line between the smoker you are and the new and improved non-smoker you will become.

Throw away all your cigarettes (yes all of them). People can't quit smoking if they have cigarettes around them that are a temptation. So get rid of everything, including ashtrays, lighters and even the pack you had set aside for emergencies.

Everyone has a slip
If you slip up, don't give up! Major changes sometimes start with missteps. If you're like many other people, you may be able to quit smoking smoothly for a few weeks or even months and then suddenly have such a strong craving that it seems like it's time to give up. Or you may accidentally find yourself in one of the situations that triggers your urge to smoke and give in to temptation.

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