Easier navigation
Be the new transportation app in town, or in your metro area, with its enormous traffic and commuting volumes.
A solution that integrates all the available methods of getting around the second largest metro area in the United States,Australia or India
. Unlike other efforts to improve the daily commute, the app captures the universe of transportation options and computes the shortest, cheapest,
and most sustainable way to get your package to your destination.
It is to provide transporters with optimized transportation choices to simplify urban package mobility.
The app takes an individuals package destination and pickup place and calculates the different routes available (soon), categorized by “sooner,” “cheaper,” and “greener.”
Details provided include length of trip, price, – allowing users to choose the best option to meet their needs.
As the app learns more about its user’s individual travel preferences, it will eventually recommend and highlight personalized options.
Also we have integrated booking and payments into the app so users can coordinate their entire trip with a single click of a button.
Future versions of the app will also include ridesharing so that users can carpool with people traveling in the same direction, as well as destination parking information.
After enough data is collected, users will also be able to create a profile where they can set goals related to their personal fitness, financials and time, and track them
within the app(AI soon)