Fake call, fairy-tale hero, call the teacher.
Funny fake call, call the teacher to leave you call.
You want to escape from an environment but you do not have a valid excuse, in this case, you press the bottom of the volume button next to the phone set by you before the time after you call the phone and the phone starts to ring unknown and you need to talk to the phone saying you break the beam.
It also provides charisma in friends.
for example:
Someone who is a liar can throw an air to his friends;
Action involving fraud as the name. The cheapest way to avoid talking.
The application has a very simple interface and use for entertainment purposes.
Save Yourself With Fake Call:
With Mobile:
The fake call application allows you to call someone from your contacts or a fictitious person you randomly call. In this way, you can avoid a conversation or meeting that you have to listen to in order to avoid any shame.
Other than that, this application is successful Fake Call, joke or ideal for those who want to save himself ..