Bachon Ki Tarbiyat

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Bachon Ki Tarbiyat

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Free download or read online free Urdu book "Bache Ki Tarbiyat" and learn how to educate your kids and children. "Bachay Ki Tarbiyat Islami Taleemat Ki Roshni Mein" is the full title name of this Urdu book. This is an Urdu Islamic book too because the book is written in the light of Islam. Dr. Umme Kulsoom has authored this Urdu book for those parents who want to teach manners and educate their children according to Islam. The writer Dr. Umme Kulsoom has discussed every aspect of teaching and educating your children. You will learn everything about teaching your children in the Urdu language. The author has written some tips and rules to educate Unfortunately, almost all educational institutes in Pakistan don't teach the morality and good manners, nor this is included in the educational syllabus. So the importance of such a books becomes very necessary. You will learn everything from A to Z about training, educating and teaching your kids the good manners,

Bachay Ki Tarbiyat Islami Taleemat Ki Roshni Mein by Dr. Umme Kulsoom is here in Pdf. You can free download and read online this Urdu Book from the table below the following sample pages.

Bachon Ki Tarbiyat Book in Urdu by Dr. Bushra Tasneem Free download or read online Pdf copy booklet of Bachon Ki Tarbiyat Kasay Karain written by Dr. Bushra Tasneem. A child is a forerunner of the approaching adult, and its accomplishments should ensure it develops physically, intellectually, socially and spiritually. As a parent, you accept to ensure that your adolescent gets this holistic upbringing. Such an albatross calls for adherence of time and assets to ensure your adolescent gets to advance in the best way possible. Dr. Bushra Tasneem is an Urdu biographer and a homeopathic doctor.

A complete Book on the training of children of all ages from infancy to adolescence is a must-read for every responsible parent. The time before a baby is born is a very painful time for a woman. She undergoes various mental, psychological, and physical changes. Every child is a message from God to humanity. No one knows which child will be a source of happiness for the parents and a source of mercy for society. Every coming child brings its share of sustenance and destiny into the world. Feeling anxious at the birth of a child, no matter what the thought maybe, is a rebellion against God, even in the softest of words.
Bedtime should be determined in consultation with the children keeping in view their age, education, engagements, and should also be adhered to. Relatives should not say in front of siblings that "long holidays are over, now the children will be on their heads all the time." "If you greet your children with these words, the distance between you and the children will be created on the first day. And the time that your warm welcome could bring spring to the hearts of children will be wasted. Schedule a weekly program with the children. Divide responsibilities according to their minds and interests. Talking for hours on the phone is a waste of time and a waste of children's rights. Why waste this treasure when your most valuable possessions and "treasures" are in front of you, the protection and care of which depends on the success of your "future"? Do? Make sure there are as many solution sheets as there are children in the house. At the moment, getting the best grades on these "papers" is more important than anything else in the world. You may be read Islamic Book for Kids Character Development in Urdu and Aulad Ki Tarbiyat Parenting Tips Kids Guide or Tarbiyat-e-Aulad by Maulana Wahiduddin Khan

متعلقہ کتاب میں اپنی اولاد کی تربیت کیسے کی جائے کے موصوع پر روشنی ڈالی گئی ہے اور ان معاملات کی نشاندہی کی گئی جو والدین کی طرف سے سرزد ہوتے ہیں اور اولاد بےراہ روی کا شکار بنتی جاتی ہے جیسے کے ناز ونخرے برداشت کرنا جو کے اولاد پر منفی اثرات مرتب کرتے ہیں،زیرِغور کتاب میں اپنے بچوں کی اسلامی تربیت کیسے کریں کے طریقے شریعت اسلامیہ سے دلائل کے ساتھ پیش کیے ہیں

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