Islamic Criminal Jurisprudence is the latest free application. Islamic criminal law (Arabic: فقه العقوبات) is criminal law in accordance with Sharia. Strictly speaking, Islamic law does not have a distinct corpus of "criminal law." It divides crimes into three different categories depending on the offense – Hudud (crimes "against God",[1] whose punishment is fixed in the Quran and the Hadiths); Qisas (crimes against an individual or family whose punishment is equal retaliation in the Quran and the Hadiths); and Tazir (crimes whose punishment is not specified in the Quran and the Hadiths, and is left to the discretion of the ruler or Qadi, i.e. judge).[2][3][4] Some add the fourth category of Siyasah (crimes against government), while others consider it as part of either Hadd or Tazir crimes.
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Table of contents - Islamic Law App
👉 Islamic criminal jurisprudence
👉 Hudud
👉 Qisas
👉 Diya (Islam)
👉 Tazir
👉 Rape in Islamic law
👉 Islamic sexual jurisprudence
Application Features :
👉 Categories
👉 Search tool
👉 Favorites feature