Having a garden at home is certainly a dream for everyone who has a house and likes to do gardening. Many home garden models that you can apply at home ranging from dry gardens and wet parks. However, don't forget to consider the area of land you have. One alternative you can do is to make a vertical garden design on the walls of the house.
Choosing a vertical garden theme should be adjusted to the theme of your home design. There are several vertical garden themes such as classic, modern, traditional, or tropical style. In addition to the theme, another thing that should be your concern when building a vertical garden is the selection of plants, because plants determine the theme that you can take.
In addition to the theme, you also have to consider the area of land that you will later turn into a vertical park. It would not hurt you to consider the size of a mini home garden if indeed the land area is limited.
With this application may be able to provide inspiration for you in choosing a vertical garden design.
Hopefully this application is useful.