First release of How to Type Faster, Typing Faster.
How to Type Faster - These days, typing can seem like it is not such an important skill as it once was. For example, we are becoming increasingly used to talking to our machines with the advances being made possible by cutting edge technology.
Touchscreens and voice control interfaces may well be growing fast, but if you want to get some serious work done then most people will still turn to the humble keyboard. This doesn’t mean it’s the easiest option though, as it requires a decent amount of practice to get up to the kind of speeds that will keep up with your brain.
But typing remains a fundamental skill, and it is still one of the most important computer skills you can learn. Learning to type fast and accurately will help you in many ways in life, and it should be considered an essential skill for anyone who sees themselves working with a computer in some capacity (which is most people!)
So how do you improve your typing speed? Well, we’ve gathered together a number of tips and techniques that can get your fingers flying across the keyboard. All they need are a little dedication and patience. So let loose your dynamic digits: there’s work to be done.
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