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Ram Ganesh Gadkari was a Marathi poet, playwright, and humorist from Maharashtra, India. He was one of the writers in new age transformation in Marathi Literature. He wrote poetry under the pen name Govindagraj (गोविंदाग्रज) and humorous articles under the pen name Balakram (बाळकराम). He wrote plays under his legal name.
"Ekach Pyala" is a famous Marathi drama/play written by Ram Ganesh Gadkari in 1917.
एकच प्याला हे राम गणेश गडकरी यांनी लिहिलेले मराठीतील नाटक आहे. मद्यपान व त्याचे दुष्परिणाम हा विषय असलेले हे नाटक गडकऱ्यांनी इ.स. १९१७ सालाच्या सुमारास लिहिले.