buri nazar se bachne ke upay
नज़र दोष अर्थात नज़र लगना हिन्दु धर्म के आलावा इसाई और मुस्लिम धर्मं में भी माना जाता है । पश्चिमी देशो में नज़र लगने की आशंका से लोग टच वुड कह कर लकड़ी को छू लेते है जिससे उन्हें नज़र ना लगे इसाई धर्म में नज़र लगने पर गिरजाघर से पानी लाकर उसे पिलाया जाता है।.
The evil eye is a popular belief that somebody can voluntarily or involuntarily bring disease and disgrace to another person by looking at them, usually brought on by envy.
Buri Nazar Utarne ke Totke content is in the Hindi language. This app Really helpful to all. In India, most people believe in zodiac signs. They believe indeed every incident is happened According to zodiac signs. And this app contains astrological solutions and tips for common problems of life.
Sometimes you work hard and get no good results. Disease and accidents give a very tough time and your life becomes full of stress and problems. Your progress goes down and your barely able to work and move ahead. Sometimes Nazar can be one of cause of such issues.