Fix bug android 10 above
Training Log Book is an android application that functions as a book of training record.
You can use this app like personal diary to record each training that was conducted
In this training log book application, users record each training session in the column provided. Available columns are:
1. Name (Please fill in your name)
2. Age (Please fill your age)
3. Date (Please fill in the date of the training)
4. Session (Please fill in morning / afternoon / evening / night or just number of session)
5. Training Type (Please choose training type that divided in 4 categories = Physical, Technique, Tactic, Mental)
6. Component (Please choose component of training type)
7. Name of Training (Please fill name of training)
8. Training Intensity (Please fill your training intensity, for example: you can use percentage = 60%-70% or insert level like easy, medium, hard)
9. Training Zone (Please fill your training zone, for example if you use percentage in intensity like 60%-70% from maximum heart rate (formula = 220-age), if your age is 20 so you need to fill training zone is 120 heart rate/minutes (hr/m) - 140 heart rate/minutes (hr/m)
10. Number of sets (Please press button (+) or (-) to fill the total sets, maximum set is 12)
11. Set 1 to 12 (Please fill in with number of repetitions done in set or other data like heart rate after each set)
After the data is filled in all according to what you have done, please click the SAVE button to save data to the database. If you want to enter new data, please click delete first
If you want to see the results of the exercises that have been saved, please click the DATA button which will display the results table.
If you want to delete all data that stored, please click the delete all button.
If you want to delete single row data, please click row that you want to delete to make delete button enable.
You can export all data or selected range of data using start date and end date to excel with .csv format, just press excel button
You can send the exported data using envelope button