Scary Prank App


Scary Prank App

  • 2.25
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Android 4.1+

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All New Scary Pranks: Scare your friends.


Scary Prank App is a Ghost Prank app to scare your friends.
Use our Scary Pranks app to start scaring your friends.

In this App, you will find Ghost Pranks, Scary Halloween Faces, Scary Halloween Voices.

How this scary prank app scares your friends:
- Select a scary picture of Ghost
- Select most scary Ghost sound
- Pickup time limit in which you want to scare your friend
- Now click on start Scaring button.

Now the app will be closed by pressing the button. Give your mobile to your friend and when your selected time comes, a Ghost will appear on your mobile screen with horrifying sound and your mobile start vibrating. I think it's enough for frightening your friends.

Prank your friends, Scare them, laugh with them.
Have fun. Enjoy scary pranks.

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