PHARM D & PHARM B FULL NOTES Is an app that contains pharm d full notes for first and final year students, it also contains pharm b full notes for first and final year students.
It has pharm d coures like
Anatomy and Physiology which includes Introduction to Humanbody, Cellular Level of organisation, Tissue Level of organisation, Integumentary System, Skeletal System,Joints
Structural and functional classification, types of joints movements and its articulation, Body Fluids
composition and functions of blood, hemopoeisis, formation of hemoglobin, anemia, mechanisms of coagulation, blood grouping, Rh factors, transfusion, its significance and disorders of blood, Reticulo endothelial system and manymore.
It also has the follow availabe courses
Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Practicals, D.Pharm Books,
pharmacetics full notes
pharmacology full notes
pharmaceutical inorganic chemistry
harmaceutical organic chemistry
d pharma full form
d pharm course duration
d pharma eligibility
b pharma entrance exam
pharm d degree
d pharmacy subjects
pharm d full form
Infact the app has alot of informations concerning pharm d and b pharm books which we can not explain everything here, downlod the app and enjoy all features for free.