The sketch is a rough and light representation used to start or as a skeleton of a painting. Sketches can be divided into 2: Pure Arts but its function can also be applied art.
A. Pure art is an art that is used only as a decoration, regardless of function and usefulness.
B. Applied art is an art that in addition to attention to its beauty also pay attention to its function and usefulness.
The types of sketches in terms of penggarapannya divided into 3, namely:
A. Outline drawing is drawing simple shape lines without details and not finished.
B. A quick sketch is to use just a few lines to give an image to the finished sktesa.
C. The Citra study is a sketch in the form of fast graffiti and less detailed (only shows global form only)
There are many other techniques of sketching, as I will show this
A. Technique Arsir Is a shading technique using the pure lines only.
B. Lainel technique Is a sketch technique that is almost similar to the technique of hatching, but for techniel's technique the lines look vague because smoothed.
C. Tennis pointilisAs a sketch technique using a combination of dots into a shape and mengahsilkan dark-light an object.
This is a sketch of my first pointilis technique, inipu is also created because of the task of Multimedia Design.