German Leprosy Relief Association, GLRA projects include comprehensive programmes in health (focusing in leprosy &TB care), community-based rehabilitation (CBR), advocacy, capacity building, community education and research. GLRA is supported by European Union and launched the Sammalit Vikas Jankari (Information for inclusive development) project.
GLRA works closely with state Governments to provide technical assistance in Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, West Bengal, Dadra Nagar Haveli to implement National Leprosy Eradication Programme. By 2015 GLRA has established in 14 States & 3 UTs of India
The mobile application supports the field workers to record the services like wheel chair, disability card, etc. provided to the disabled or the affected people associated along with the regular follow-ups. The information that is recorded is registered in web platform and regulated by the coordinators.
Since the application works in online and offline platforms, this enables the field staff to collect information in remote location.