- Android Pie Bug Fixes
- Performance improvements
Baby Food Recipes for Babies and growing kids, that you can prepare at home without adding preservative or any unwanted content.
6 to 8 month
8 to 10 month
10 to 12 month
12 to 20 month
and every category contains four sub category fruit, vegetable,protein and Nutritious.
- रोटी & पराठे
- ब्रेकफास्ट रेसिपीज
- ज्यूस & कोल्ड रेसिपीज
- वेस्टर्न रेसिपीज
- मिठाई रेसिपीज
- सब्जी रेसिपीज
- अचार रेसिपीज
Each recipes are explained with the help of picture and step by step explanation.