Жаңы версиясы киргизилди
Кыргызстандын жылдыздарыны канчалык деңгеелде билесиң?
Өзүңү сынап көр, кызыктуу суроолорго жооп бер!
Жылдыздардан башка 200-суроолор бар!
All content i.e logos,celebs,cartoons,animals etc that depicted in this game are protected by copyright or registered trademarks of their respective corporations. This application nor anyone related to her claim any ownership rights (or copyright) of the content used. The content i.e (logos,celebs,cartoons,animals etc) are protected by copyright or registered trademarks. The use of low-resolution images in this application for the use of content identifying qualifies as "fair use" under copyright laws in all countries